Bed Bug Removal Preparation & Information
Top Quality Exterminating offers a check list to prepare for bed bug treatment and removal:
Empty all furniture and closets in any room where bed bugs are suspected of infesting
Strip all bed linens/wash & dry in hot water (140 Degrees)
Stand up mattresses and box springs.
All clothes in furniture where bed bugs are seen or suspected will need to be bagged and washed in hot water or dried in a dryer (at least 30 min w/temp over 140 degrees.) Bagging clothing will prevent any bed bugs in the clothes from falling out into another room while the clothes are being moved
All walls must be cleared and edges of carpets must be lifted
All clutter must be removed and anything that is garbage must be discarded. (Piles of papers on dressers, knick knacks, etc)
Homeowners/Tenants may or may not need to leave the premises. Top Quality Pest Control Technicians will notify them prior to treatment
Please Note:
Items which cannot be put in a washer or dryer can sometimes be de-infested by wrapping in plastic and placing them outdoors in a hot, sunny location, closed vehicle, etc. for at least a day. If this method is attempted, packing fewer items per bag makes it harder for the bugs to find cooler places to hide. Monitoring with a thermometer is prudent, with a target internal temperature of at least 120°F